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Saturday, September 18, 2010

A Home Based Computer Repair Business Can Be Profitable

Starting a home based computer repair business does not require a great deal of investment or working space. The prime requisite is a thorough knowledge of computer hardware and software and some hands on repair experience. With this kind of knowledge and experience, understanding the minimum equipment and software requirements is easy. If you need to start your home based computer repair business on a really tight budget, you could think of buying used equipment.

To make a success of a home based computer repair business you will have to be able to keep abreast of all the latest developments in computers hardware and software, as well the latest virus and malware threats. Presuming that you can do the required repairs well, what will make your reputation and be a key factor in your success is the ease with which you are able to identify the nature of the problems your customers face. Most computer users know little or nothing of the working of a computer or how the software is created. So when something goes wrong, a person who can confidently identify the problem is one who will inspire confidence.

But as important as expertise and equipment are, a home based computer repair business needs two very important things. What is going to bring people to your small home computer repair shop? It could be the fact that you are cheaper than the big service agencies, but people are so dependant on their computers that they do not mind spending to be sure of the repair quality. So its not price that will bring them to your home based computer repair business, although it is an important factor. Your two strengths will be that you offer quick turn around times – large companies can take a week or more and you must be able to return the repaired computer in a day – your client will be thrilled that he will be without his most important lifestyle possession for a far shorter time than if he had gone anywhere else.

Your second strength must be your personality. Since the computer is an essential part of their lives, clients of your home based computer repair business will be happy when they see that you understand their problems and appreciate the difficulties they are facing. In other words, your two strengths are speed and personalized service. Once you have a core group of regular clients who call on you for repair and maintenance, your home based computer repair business will be secure.

But do not think that running a home based computer repair business is easy. You will have to struggle to build up your reputation in competition with the big players. It will take time and you have to be prepared to stay the course. And when you make a success of it, you need to know when to expand your home based computer repair business into a larger operation. Nothing can ruin a business as fast as having a reputation for taking on more than it can manage and letting quality suffer.

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